Contoh Lamaran Kerja
Jakarta, November 8, 2018
Yth. Leaders of Personnel PT. Korea Telecom Indonesia
Jl. Let. Jend. MT. Haryono Kav. 2-3 RT.1/RW.6
Tebet Barat, Jakarta Selatan
Jakarta, 12810
Subject: Employment Application
Attachment: 5 pieces
I, the undersigned below:
Subject: Employment Application
Attachment: 5 pieces
I, the undersigned below:
: Irfan Maulana
Place and date of birth
: Jakarta, 27 Mei 1999
: Male
: Islam
Last Education
: D3 - Informatical Management
: Lubang Buaya Rt/w 005/07 No.28 DKI Jakarta
No Hp
: 085810248913
I hereby wish to join the company the father / mother you lead. Since I got the information from PT. Korea Telecom Indonesia Web Programmer job opening section.
And as consideration Mr / Ms I
also attach:
1. The latest 3x4 Photo 4 pieces
2. My Curriculum Vitae
3. Copy of last diploma which has been legalized as many as 2 pieces.
4. Photo Cards Job Seeker copies that have been legalized as many as 1 sheet
5. Health certificate from the district hospital
Thus the cover letter I created
this work in truth. Hopefully I will be received in the company of Mr. / Mrs.
For the attention I say many thanks.
Best regards,
Irfan Maulana
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